
Kalhene - Juna Artistic Tattoo
Kalhene ERIKA Mesh body ( in the picture is used Erika Body with Lelutka EvoX Inez and Devita Adriana Skin - Almond tone ) Natural, realistic & super versatile Mesh Body! BENTO Fitted Mesh Body (Includes 3 BENTO Mesh Heads and female/transgender HD genitals) BOM Only (Bakes on Mesh) enabled viewer required (please check that you are not wearing any alpha layer before wear the mesh body and head) Mesh Body & Head can be worn separately and will fit other mesh bodies and heads from the most popular brands- Genus, Lelutka, Catwa (you can find Neck Fix wearable via HUD) Includes modifiable shapes You can modify the avatar with the sliders in appearance mode, you can create your own shape. Body & head compatible with system Alpha Layers Available at Lelutka Mainstore maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/128/128/41 Available at Unik Event maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UniK/176/142/27 Also Available at Mainstore
Juna Artisttic Tattoo
Lela Tattoo
Exclusive for Orsy Event Open 6th December - Close 21th December Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Source/211/171/2512
For Woman
Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers for body and head (Bakes On Mesh) in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%);
Appliers Hud for mesh Body in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%) for:
Omega system
Mainstore and Mall
N-Core Kalhene Mainstore
Kalhene on Flickr:
Juna Artistic Tattoo
Juna Tattoo on Flickr: